
Traffic Ticket Attorney

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Don’t worry if you got Traffic Ticket. consider getting consultation from traffic ticket attorney is a good way to beat it. many others already successfully came over it. see below.


Suspended license that I was not aware of. Pulled over and cited for driving while suspended. Court date set for July 1 regarding ticket. Need license back.


I am a working man but I only make enough to pay my rent I really some help with case I afford getting put in jail or getting my license suspended and getting it, I just started my job and move here, I hope that you can help me thanks.


I was pulled over for running a yellow light and have a suspended licence that I am working on getting reinstated. I received a verbal warning for running the light and a ticket for driving under suspension.


My husband got pulled over going to DMV to get plates.  He thought he had to pay ticket to get truck off hold and now they want to suspend his licence for no insurance which he had.  He cant have licence suspended or he will lose his job because he is a truck driver.  Not sure what to do.  please help


I received seven 7 tickets  driving wo liscense driving w expired liscense  I have taken the class and paid the fees but have gotten my dirver liscense I went to court and was given an extension because I did not have a lawyer or liscense.  I still do not have my liscense and I have to return to court tomorrow at 845 am.  I really need help and a lawyer and I only have small amount of funds right now. Cam someone help me please  Thank you

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