
Received a Traffic Ticket

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Received a Traffic Ticket ? want to beat it ? Hire a Traffic Ticket attorney asap, connect to a Traffic ticket lawyer people are already submitting there cases fast. see below


I have two traffic violations, one in lenoire county, and wake county and the prices i know of are very costly…i just really need to know the best price i would be able to pay to get these taken care of.


I went to court and the judge told me to attend classes for drinking I was homeless with no job there was no way for me to do so. I just brought a house and car and need my license to get back and forth to work asap. Please help me. I will do whatever it takes I can not do jail time I just got a really good job less than 90 days in. Thank you so much.


I have a ticket in reference to my tags being expired and no proof of insurance. I am needing to have my court date pushed out so that I can get this resolved.


I have a 2 tickets in my name and a warrant from 2006 that is not mine.  The police officers said that the driver did not have a license on him and that he was impaired at the time.  The driver used my name.  Instead of taking him to jail the officer gave him a ticket for careless operation and no dl on hand.  Now I have been out of work for months now and had to move my family in with other family members.


Assisted family member in purchase of a vehicle by putting vehical in my name.  Before vehicle signed over to family member there was a traffic ticket for illegal parking the ticket was not paid for and now my son is unable to renew his drivers license.  We would like to know what to do so that my son can get the ticket off of his drivers record and renew his license.

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