
Need Help With Child Custody

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You can low income lawyers for child custody from here, simply fill your case details on given form and an affordable child custody attorney contact you as they did for following cases.


My son dad fiel coustody, We never was married , he start doing this when he got the support letter on the mail , I let him see his son when ever he ask me too on the spring break my mother came to get them i let her take them she was suppost to bring them back he did not alow it i had to file a police rep n go pick up my kids they go to school. my home my coust day is on june 6 2014. plz help


I am a mother of two beautiful young children ages 7 and 5 there father whom recently got out of prison and has be absent for over four years has recently decided he wanted custody of our children and is now taking me to court to accomplish that. he has abused me for 5 years he has tried to killed me im terrified of him and refuse to allow him any whrer near my children i need help please i cant afford an attorney for up to 10 grand. i cant allow him to get ahold of my children he will ruin them and all the hard work ive done with them will mean nothing. im scared and i need help please.


My grand children are in CPS and we have been having some issues with the caseworker. For a whole year I was not able to see them do to the fact she gave false info to the foster parents.


My son is 16 living with his father and he is isolated, feels unloved and unwanted. MY son works and must purchase his own clothes. He is not allowed to step outside except to go to school and work. He must babysit his 23 year old half sister whom has Autism, multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia. I have contacted DCS several times about his depression in which his father has been told to take him to counceling and has not done so yet. My son is never told that he is loved and is never shown affection


Had a bad break up with ex girlfriend that I have been with for 16 years. We have an amazing 3 year old daughter together. Wont let me see her but when she does i can not leave to go places with her. I cant be around her family when visiting my daughter because they act and say very nasty things. For instance ex girlfriends sister yelled she was going to bust my head open with a baseball bat in front of my daughter. She has overheard many other disturbing conversations that make it hard on Ella and I. Ex girlfriend not answering phone calls or text messages. She hasnt let me be with my daughter in 5 daysnow. She also left state for 3 days when i was supposed to have a play day. I miss my daughter greatly. Last words from ex. We are moving out of state you will never see your kid and she wont even remember who you are


My child has been in foster care for two years, i want to fight to get him back. the attorney i have has been of no help to me throughout this time.

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