
Child Custody problems

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The issue of child custody between parents sometimes can’t stop even after granting child custody. Parents routinely come forward with issues like high child support cost, bad parenting, less visitation rights etc. This will lead them to the court and parents seek child custody lawyers consultation. Here at requestlegalservices.com You can discuss your child custody case with child custody lawyers of your area, following cases are also successfully helped by these lawyers already.

I have a 21 month old son  who i need a parenting plan for.  Out of wed lock,but has my last name and im on birth certificate. He lives with the mother and Ive been paying 300 dollars a month consistently with no exceptions.  I aslo pay 200 dollars for my daughter who i have joint custody of. Im tired of being jerked around and the mother changing the routine whenever she sees fit. She also wants more money from me. I just want a set routine and i HAVE to be in my son life regularly and not like every other weekend. My son needs me just like my daughter does. there is more but i stop there.

Cps gave custody to someone who has not been taking care of them we have been taking care of them for 4 years the mother was tested positive for drugs I just want the boys back in a home that people love them  we miss there loving faces

My husband and I are currently going through a divorce. I had left our place of residency because of the abuse and he would not allow me to take my children so I had to leave them in his care. Every time I did try to take them to where I was staying he would not allow me and claimed it was not safe therefore I was never allowed to take them. Within the time that he filed and now he got custody. I believe he filed a emergency custody order to get them. Now I can only see them briefly on certain days. I also have to pay child support and child care which I do not mind if the money was actually being used on my children. When I pay the child support I have no money left to pay other bills. So I am lost on what to do and where to go from here. I do not want him having physical custody.

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