Driving license suspension: Know how your driving license can be suspended

Driving is not just a right, it is actually a privilege. A lot of people are not concerned about losing...

Understand your police report

The dui police report you receive contains the evidences against you in the DUI case. These are the evidences that...

Important part in your dui case

You might not agree with the results of the police report for your DUI case the first time you see...

DUI is illegal in all 50 states

DUI-DWI is the offence committed when an individual operate or drive a motor vehicle while being under the influence of...

What is DUI?

DUI is one of America’s most rekindled offenses that any person can commit mostly by teenagers who fond of partying...

Alcohol Test

In Drunk Driven Cases, testing blood alcohol is a must to sue someone based on that issue, so as to...

More than 40 percent road accident took place because of intoxicated driving.

Drunk Driving is the act where in the driver drives the vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This...

Traffic Violations

Traffic violations don't seem to be all minor offences since they need major ramifications within the future. Reckless driving causes...