What if your tenant and/or his guests have committed some illegal act/crime

Tenant illegal act or crime conducted on your rented property is a good ground for eviction. It's also a good...


Operating  or driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs that impair your driving skills and...

Property under your name

Because it is your investment, you can always choose where to name your investment property. If you so decide to...

What to do when your tenant doesn't pay rent

The landlord has the right to evict the tenant especially when the tenant hasn't paid the rent on full and...

Traffic Laws

Traffic laws in the United States vary because every state enacts its own regulations and laws. America has a strict...

high-investment property at a low risk

Investing in real estate property has become a trending way to earn a profit for the last 50 years. It...

What to do when your landlord harassed or threatened you

Several forms of harassment could occur between a tenant and the landlord. Most of the time, it's the landlord who...

The Consequences of Getting a Ticket

It is the penalties and the fines that irk people so much every time they get pulled over for traffic...

purchase options

When you are investing on a real estate property, you can choose to buy through real estate investment trust (REIT),...