
Auto Accident And Insurance

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Looking for Auto accident compensation? Why not submit your case details here and auto accident lawyers will connect you in no time. See below they already helping others in auto accident


I was in a auto accident about 2 years ago and im just now being sued for personal injuries that in now way could have been caused in the crash.


I need help to answer a matter from a superior court.I am being sue for a car accident.


My sister wreced my mothers car 2 years ago, i found out at the dallas records building  there is a final judgment on my sisters behaft, but she insists that  no such judgment was ever paid  is this true? why was it reported to the records building if there was no payment at all


I had the signal to turn left at the light and when i did (on my right handside)there is a corner store where the other car pulled from the curb and sideswiped my car. but the driver is not coming after me its the passinger of the other car. accident happened Aug19,2009.the passinger is coming after me and the other driver.


I was involved in an accident where I rear ended someone and caused about 800 in damage to his fender. We settled out of court, but because the court deems the incident as careless driving, they are throwing the book at me and gunning for points on my license, traffic school and an a fee (including court costs) that I cannot pay. I need help/representation for my court date, but I just started my first job since graduating of college last winter and cannot yet afford anyone or anything.


I was hit by a car. My car was parked, I was standing in front of my car while at the park. A car backing up at high speed lost control–unable to hit the brakes–and hit my car from the back. Once the his car impacted mine, my car hit me. Damage to my car and my arm/shoulder. i have gone thru therapy already via other party insurance. My isssue: Insurance Co ( Geico ) is only offering to pay me for the mileage that was expensed for my therapy appts. They are offering no other compensation. The discomfort on my arm and should lingers; I still have pain.  This accident occured March 2011.

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