Looking for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer ? Find a bankruptcy lawyer for free we helped many bankruptcy cases like yours.
I am 24 years old, I am a single mother to 3 children. I have bills after bills piling up I had to move in with my mother ends werent meeting and I lost my job in November. I cant find a job my bills keep piling up and I am ready to get the bankruptcy process over, the only reason its not is because I cant come up with the money to pay an attorney. I need to find a low income attorney that will let me pay in small payments.
I am behind on credid card payment have over 15000.00 in medical deat and behind on my car payment i would like to get rid of as much as i can and keep the car if posible so i can make it to all my medical appontments outside of town thanks and will look fowerd to talking to you
Filed for chapter 7 bankrupcty on 1-9-2012, but we keep getting notices back because of wrong or missing information. The courts tried to dismiss the case on 3-29-2012, but the judge is giving us another chance to get the paperwork corrected and filed before 4-23-2012.
I was divorced last July, walked away with nothing from my ex but a stack of unpaid bills. I have questions as to whether or not bankruptcy is a viable option for me at this point. I cannot afford an attorney at this time, but need help. My ex has also not paid our income taxes for the past two years, I will need to start paying those as well. Any help on locating an attorney to help in that area also would be appreciated.
I had some severe medical problems and I pretty much lost everything and am not in some serious debt. I have a job now, but I am just trying to get back on feet. I am still living with friends, because I cannot afford to be out on my own yet. I have student loans that will need to start being paid and I just cannot afford a lot of money to file for this bankruptcy but the creditors keep calling and its hanging over my head and I am running out of options. I am looking for some assistance at the cost possible….even payment plans if at possible.
I have alot of doctor bills, credit cards, online and payday loans I own on and everybody wants there money now and I get phone calls everyday I need help.
I am a single mother and partime waitress with a judgement against me and many medical bills, I need to file chapter 7
My unemployment will be stopped April 7th. All Ill have comming in is $726.00 from Social Security. I talked to Consumer Credit, I owe too much for the amount of income. Bob gave the number for Legal Aid. I need to talk to someone about bankrupcy.
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