
Personal injury legal cases

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Over half of the tort tests in the United States resulted from auto injuries.

In the United States, personal injury legal cases make up a large portion of the municipal lawsuits that happens in state court systems. Tort statements, or accidental accidents statements, include some damage to individual and/or property as a result of the inappropriate activities of another individual or enterprise. Individual damage legal cases might happen due to a car incident, a dog chew, a development incident, negligence, or a faulty product. Unfortunately, these occurrences are all too very common in American community.

The nature of American personal injuries legal cases is also quite clear. Over half of the tort tests in the United States resulted from auto injuries. Another 15% of tort tests involved allegations of negligence. An additional 5% of tort tests related to products responsibility.

When personal injury legal cases proceeded to trial, litigants won roughly 50 % of time. With respect to tort tests stemming from auto injuries, litigants won 61% of the time, as compared with 50% of intentional tort tests, 38% of defective products tests, 39% of premises responsibility tests, and only 19% of negligence tests. Judges decided in support of litigants in 56% of tort tests, and juries decided in support of litigants in 51% of tort tests.

In insurance policy in the United States, accidental injuries in the sense of “bodily injury” to others are often covered with insurance policy such as auto insurance policy. Therefore protection plan provider will provide a legal defense to the defendant and may settle with the plaintiff (victim).

Additional loss for mental damage is less clearly covered, as the plan coverage typically states that it covers only physical damage. For example, in common responsibility as of 2001 a minority of courts included emotional distress within the definition physical damage.

In insurance policy “personal injury” as typically defined does not include physical damage loss and instead refers to mental damage loss, particularly as a result of defamation, false arrest or imprisonment, or malicious prosecution; for example, the Insurance Services Office standard common responsibility form has a section providing this coverage. Similarly, some home plans include accidental injuries coverage.

Despite the common distinction between physical damage and accidental injuries in insurance policy contracts, auto insurance policy known as accidental injuries protection (PIP) does cover medical expenses from physical damage.

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