
What is DUI?

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What is DUI?

DUI is one of America’s most rekindled offenses that any person can commit mostly by teenagers who fond of partying out at late nights with friends. Alcohol drinking spree which highlights the coolness of beer as a primary liquor attraction which lures adolescents to drink more and dare the unthinkable and that would be doing some driving exhibitions such as indiscriminate and illegal drag races just to measure one’s displaced courage. For most times, alcohol intoxication pushes a human being to get on a car, hold on to the spinning wheel and just step on the gas pedal without regard to dear human life. To minimize the loss of life, DUI laws are enacted to regulate a particular form of discipline to protect lives and not to restrict it via prior restraint.

Drunk driving? This is what it is popularly known for or formally known as Driving Under the Influence. Driving under the influence is defined as an act of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. DUI instances and examples can include driving while impaired or a violation of law by driving with a blood or breathe alcohol content of .08% or higher.

Who can be charged?

  1. All drivers with a BAC of .08% or higher;

  2. drivers under with BAC of .02% or higher;

  3. commercial drivers with BAC if 0.4% or higher

What are the penalties?

Some of the penalties for a first offense may include:

  1. 2 to 90 days in jail;

  2. $ 500 in fines;

  3. $ 200 in court costs;

  4. $ 100 license fee;

  5. Probation with a $ 150 fee;

  6. Crime laboratory and community fees;

  7. Up to 1 year loss of license;

  8. Mandatory DUI School, alcohol screening and counseling with fee;

  9. Attendance at victims impact panel;

  10. Possible 48 hours community service;

  11. 1-year ignitions interlock device on vehicle.

Some of the penalties for a second offense may include:

  1. 2 years to 1 year in jail;

  2. $ 500 to $ 1,000 maximum fine;

  3. $ 100 license fee;

  4. probation with $ 150 fee;

  5. Crime laboratory and community fees;

  6. Mandatory DUI school and alcohol screening and counseling (plus fees);

  7. Attend Victim’s Impact Panel;

  8. Mandatory 48 hours Community Service.

Some of the penalties for a third offense may include:

  1. 1 year imprisonment;

  2. $ 750 to $ 1,000 maximum fine;

  3. probation with $ 150 fee;

  4. Crime laboratory and community fees;

  5. 1 to 10 years loss of license;

  6. Mandatory DUI school and alcohol screening and counseling (plus fees);

  7. Attend Victim’s Impact Panel;

  8. Mandatory 48 hours Community Service.

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