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Child custody : the best interest of child ?
Bankruptcy laws are made for the help of the people who can no longer pay their creditors get a chance to pay that is by liquidating assets or by creating a repayment plan.

Bankruptcy laws are made for the help of the people who can no longer pay their creditors get a chance...

At the scene of the accident, you should try to acquire as much relevant information as you can to help you in the case

The most common type of personal injury cases filed in the US courts are automobile accidents. A specialized car accident...


Annulment is a commonly known term for nullification of a marriage. Annulment is the process by which a Court states...


Alimony means the financial spousal support that the financially strong spouse pays to the other after the divorce. Alimony law...

workers compensation

Just because you work in a company that has workers compensation doesn't mean you're entitled for coverage right away. Although...

Time for justice ... Time for lawsuit

Before deciding to file a lawsuit, here are important things you should consider. First, determine if you have a good...

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Criminal defence lawyer

Criminal law covers crimes, prosecution and defense. According to the rules and statutes written by Congress and state legislators, dealing...

Divorce Legal Services

Divorce formally dissolves the legal marriage. The married couples do not have the constitutional rights to proceed for the divorce...